Prices change rapidly. So before you buy, check the price at Price Machine.Price Machine is a comparison-shopping site that provides unbiased insights
Prices change rapidly. So before you buy, check the price at Price Machine.
Price Machine is a comparison-shopping site that provides unbiased insights into how to find the best deals online. Use our free Price Machine mobile app to search and compare millions of products from all your favorite retailers.
Our app makes it easy to view product descriptions and price histories, seller information, and product price dimensions, which include lowest 60-day price, current low price, highest 60-day price, and most importantly, Fair Price. Knowing an item’s Fair Price helps eliminate the shopping guesswork. If a product price is below the Fair Price, it’s a smart time to buy because you’re getting a good deal.
And if you don’t see a price you’re looking for, take advantage of Radar. Price Machine’s Radar feature allows you to set a target price for any product. If the price hits your target amount, we’ll let you know.
We built Price Machine with the price-conscious shopper in mind. And we hope you like it!
Price Machine is the newest site powered by Wize Commerce, the company and platform behind some of the world's largest and most successful shopping sites, including